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Jimin Lee Yun

Jimin Yun was born in Seoul, South Korea and began her piano studies at the age of five. Her talent has become known to the public from a young age through many feats, including becoming the top prize winner of the National Artists Competition at age 12 and in numerous auditions.  She was selected for a scholarship which was honored by the Ewha University. 

Jimin received her Bachelor’s Degree at Ewha Women’s University in Seoul, South Korea.  After her highly successful debut concert, she came to the U.S. and earned her Master’s Degree and Professional Studies Certificate at the Manhattan School of Music in New York City, studying with world-distinguished artists such as Jacob Lateiner, Dr. Solomon Mikowsky, and Dr. Donn Alexandre Feder. 

All of her academic accomplishments have led to her various experiences as a soloist, instrumental, vocal, and choir accompanist, and a Chamber musician.  Jimin’s depth and passion have excited audiences at her numerous recitals and festival concert series, both in Korea and the United States.  

She was the principal pianist of the Chicago Oratorio Concert Choir for eleven years, and has performed chamber music extensively.  

Jimin has performed with internationally renowned violinist Oliver Colbentson for 6 years and more than 180 concerts together that were highly acclaimed. 

Recently, she has been actively performing chamber music as the founder and the leader of the Apas Piano Trio and duo group Jimin Yun and Friends which consist of violin-piano, cello-piano, and piano duos.